Thursday, December 30, 2010
Holy Crap
So the Napolean post I wrote, uumm ya, I went back and reread it a bunch of times and changed words a bunch of times. I was like, why did I write the word actually? The word so here? I can't stop! I kept minimizing my screen so no one (who?! Tony? Opie?) would see that I was back on there. Not like they would care. They know me. Yup, he just looked. Yup, I am on here.
Tony is playing Scrabble(0n his phone) against some person he doesn't know and wants to look up letters. I look up the letters and we come across the word epaulettes. I have to look it up because I love words so I read the definition out loud. It means ornamental shoulder piece of rank in armed forces. So as I am reading Tony says, "Oh it's one of those things that Napoleon wore.." And he is touching his shoulder. I said "Napoleon Dynamite?!" All confused cause all I remember him in is his t-shirts. He starts laughing so hard and says "NO, not that Napoleon, the dictator!" Oopsie...
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Home for Christmas

I went home for Christmas! I had so much fun and it felt so good to be with my family and friends. The time went by too quick but I enjoyed every second of it. Seeing my nephew and having him remember me made me so happy! Of course I cried. Geez. I spent most of my time at my brother and Sarah's house but also spent the night at my parents and visited my family in Townsend and that is always a good time! Also hung out with Leah, Christina and their boys. Too many drinks at that outing :/ Christmas Eve was filled with laughs like always and Christmas morning was spent relaxing and watching my nephew enjoy his first Christmas before I left to come back to Cali. Which of course I cried again with my goodbyes. My awesome parents took me to the airport and it was hard to say goodbye to them, again. But maybe all those goodbyes will be my last ones. They sure are hard to say. Can't wait for my next hello's....
Friday, December 17, 2010
CA vs MA weather
It rained today. Which is surprising for Californians! What is even more surprising is that it's supposed to rain for 5 days! I laugh when these people tell me this. Oh no, it's going to be 60 and rainy! Try 27 with over a foot of snow when you step out your front door, or your car is covered in ice and it's negative degrees and it takes foreeeever to scrape it off when you are trying to get to work. I love it cause they have no idea and this amazes me but I want them to know. I want them to experience it! All I can do is tell them and share my stories. I think I am kinda jealous that they have no idea of this weather. If I never knew about it, I wouldn't hate it.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Time with my other fam
I went to LA this weekend to Tonys sisters house. He left wicked early so I drove up a few hours later. My gps took me through a toll road, which I wasn't even supposed to take cause the other way was toll free and I forgot to ignore my gps and came to the dumb toll. I ask how much and she tell me 4.50! I thought she said 1.50, nope 4.50. I didn't have that much cash on me so she had to give me a card(this word causes great laughter in Tonys fam when I say it) and I had to go online and pay it. Jeez! I get to her and her boyfriends house and it's awesome. Just the right size, bathrooms that look like really cool hotel baths, and an awesome fireplace! It was gas and had black stones all over the bottome where the fire came through and the stones glistened. I loved it. His sister, Tiffany, had a garage sale that day and she gave me a bunch of clothes and other things like a huge cat structure for Opie! The thing is pretty cool and Opie loves it. Tonys parents where also there and we all spent the night and I had a great time with his family. They remind me of mine, silly, funny, and they are all very sweet. Well I don't know if everyone in my family is sweet, ha!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Can't think of title
I skyped with my family on Thanksgiving and it was awesome to see everybody!! Thanks brother! My nephew was so friggin cute in his Red Sox sweater. I CAN NOT wait to see him in person!! Of course I can't wait to see the rest of my family too :) It will feel good to be home. I will be staying with my bro, Sarah, Des and Neely and I am so excited to hang out and have a bunch of laughs with them. I am also going to stay with my parents for a night and visit family in Townsend(I hope!) and hang out with my girlfriends for a night. Oh also visit the twins!! Wow, they are going to be so different and I am already worried I am going to cry when I see them cause I totally still miss them. So many people to see in such a short amount of time but it will be fabulous!!
The weather here was warm for Thanksgiving and I sat out at the beach and got some sun. I had pizza and salad for my feast and I loved it! We saw Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows last weekend and it was awesome. I looooove those movies. We were so excited to see it. I can't wait for Eclipse to come out on dvd so Tony can see it! Well 24 days till my visit home...
The weather here was warm for Thanksgiving and I sat out at the beach and got some sun. I had pizza and salad for my feast and I loved it! We saw Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows last weekend and it was awesome. I looooove those movies. We were so excited to see it. I can't wait for Eclipse to come out on dvd so Tony can see it! Well 24 days till my visit home...
Friday, November 26, 2010
My name is Jaclyn
and I'm confused. Tony likes to say this and tilt his head to the side. I never really thought about it much but I am a confusing person at times! So as I think about, I do confuse people and myself! I could almost find it funny. Actually I do. Example of this is, and don't let me confuse you, but tonight we went to Walmart. I had a gift card, cash, and debit card that was being used for the purchase and I guess I confused the cashier eventhough what I signed was the right amount for my debit card so now I am confused and have to go to customer service to get the money back and onto the gift card which has not been used but was supposed to be. I told the customer service lady that I hope I don't confuse her, cause now at this point I am confused and she was nice and patient and was just slightly confused. She went through my receipt and did what she had to do to make things right (took about 10 minutes and now I am sweating in this store). The whole thing that was confusing was that I was trying to keep some money on my gift card!! But I confused everyone in the process! Ok people! I definitely can share more stories about this topic now that I think about it. Not about Walmart, about me confusing myself and people ;)
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Ya so I miss home. Bummer. The longer I am away the harder it gets(that's what she said). I am excited about going home for Christmas but will be sad to leave again. It is stormy and chilly here today. Sort of reminds me of home, except for the huge ocean out my window. It's so windy out there it looks cool. I have had headaches for the last 3 days. Not sure what is going on with that. I worked a lot this week and the kids are sick so maybe I am just tired and fighting an illness. We were supposed to go see Harry Potter today but because I don't feel well and Tony is working late, we are hoping to go tomorrow!!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Cherry Twist
I go to the gas station and cash in scratch tickets for my aunt. I bought her some for her birthday and didn't realize you could not cash them in in another state. So I decide to buy myself a few while I am there. I buy 3 $1 ones and a $2 one. I scratch them when I get home. I am losing!! I am upset!! I start to cry and be all dramatic..."Why can't I ever win??!!! I need the money. I need this!! WWAAAHHHH :*( " I am alone and I am talking to myself, or Opie, if she is even listening to me. I scratch the first row of Cherry twist and I win $100! Did I really?? Am I mistaken? No mistake. I actually won! I haven't cashed it yet. I am saving it for bills or Christmas gifts for when I go home. I might use some of it and buy a few more tickets. I spent $5 today and lost. I hardly ever buy those things but I am glad that day I decided to.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Not much to say..sorta
I wish I had something exciting to write about. I usually have funny stories or weird things happen to me. But lately, not so much. This doesn't feel normal to me! Ha! So now I am not sure if I am bored and just making things up in my head, but I feel like people have ulterior motives. People I hardly know so I guess this could be normal to think. Actually, I have always done this so it is not new to me. I never trust people at first. Sometimes I never will! I don't know what made me think of that. Anyways, I am working a few hours today which obviously I am not looking forward to but it is money for coming home for Christmas! Thanks to my brother who found me a good priced flight, I will be going home for a few days. I dread saying goodbye again but it won't be long till I am back there to live. Living on the beach though does not compare to the streets of the town I grew up in. Or am I supposed to say that the other way around? Hey it's early here. What I am trying to say is now that I have lived on the beach, I think I always have to! It will be cold in NE living on one but I don't care, it's always beautiful to me. Even without the palm trees.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Mr. Sun Sun Mr. Golden Sun...
The last few days have been so nice. Before these days the sun didn't shine for almost 2 weeks! I kept saying to myself "I did not move here for this crappy weather!" Some days I did not mind the rain though. I liked listening to it pound off of things outside the window, seeing it pour off of our huge living room window and make cool designs. It definitely got old and I am so glad the sun is back! The sunsets are back! So other than work, we like to just hang at our beach place. We watch the sailboats and surfers. Haven't seen the dolphins in awhile. Today was the Pats vs Chargers so it was fun being the only one in the complex rooting for NE!! Tony and I made a bet and whoever lost has to do the dishes for a week. Oh poor Tony. He is going to have such dry hands.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Beach Home!
We got a place on the beach!! It is amazing. I can hear the ocean from the living room as I type. I can see it too but it's just dark right now. It takes me about 30 seconds to get to the beach from here. When I go to work, I drive along the ocean almost my whole 15 minute ride. When I come home, I take the same route. It might take a few minutes longer both ways but that's ok. I just can't believe I am actually on the is perfect. Pics to come :)
Sunday, October 3, 2010
I don't even want to get too into this. I start my new job full time tomorrow and I am not exactly excited about it. I never minded getting up to go see the twins. I don't even want to talk about them. I have had a month off. I just want to like my new job like how I liked(loved) my old one. I also got to take care of my nephew every other Friday and on the Fridays out here that I know I would be with him totally bum me out. I wish I wanted a child cause I would be a good stay at home Mom!!!!! That's not even where this post was supposed to go. Well it is bedtime soon seeing that I have to be UP FOR WORK! haha! 10 1/2 hours......the countdown is on.....
Seagull poop
They, whoever they are, says when a bird shits on you it is goodluck. Does it matter if it's a seagull? I have been shit on by one before, years ago. It landed on my lip. I thought it was just someone running by me and their wet bathing suit had splashed on me. NOPE. It was shit. On my lip. Did I say that yet?? My friend almost peeded herself when she looked at me and realized what I was telling her and I was very upset. Anyways, that's another story. The seagulls, plural I am assuming cause I got shit on 7 times, plus a splat on my bag and a few on the towel. I sat up and looked at it all. Thought "What am I gonna do??" Then the smell hit me. I almost vomited!!! Duh!! Go in the water! No matter how cold it is!!! Get all that trash and shit off my body!!! They eat trash and gross leftovers from gross people. HA! And from not gross people also but the visual I had in my mind was gross people. Not like it matters at all! The water was actually not that bad. YAY! I cleansed myself from seagull shit and went back to my towel(yes there was some poop drying up on it but I had just got there! I was not leaving yet!) Nothing too exciting happened after that. I was pissed I didn't take a picture.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
I am the type of person that does not deal well with change, and I have gone through A LOT of it the last month. I must say that I think I have been doing a pretty good job dealing with it all!! I started my new job today caring for a 2 month old and an almost 2 yr old. It makes me miss the twins so much! Sometimes I think, I just want to be with them! But I can't be so I have to get over it. That's what sucks about what I do. Anyways the family is super nice and laid back, exactly what I need. I know it will take time for us to all get use to eachother, I just want to be at that point already! I am happy and thankful that I found something to pay for my not new life, I guess I would say my different life out here.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Of course I have been stressed out lately while searching for a job but I am trying to enjoy the beauty of my new surroundings. For example, the other day I went to Old Navy. As I walked out of the store I stopped and looked around. Palm trees, mountains and the sun shining off me and making me feel good. I thought about how when I step out of the Old Navy in Burlington. Certainly nothing like this. I need to relax and enjoy where I am and what I am doing. Easier said than done but it can be done. The beach is beautiful and peaceful. The ones we have been to kinda remind me of east coast beaches. Then I look behind me and see huge houses and those palm trees again and I think not so much! I also got to see Tony surf! I never have before so that was cool! When we drove up north to catch a surf contest(drove around forevaaa and couldn't find parking :( so bummed) the beaches were awesome! Huge waves, big, long beaches, just beautiful. The color started to change to more of a turquoise color. We stopped at a place in Newport beach called The Wedge. People there body surf! Ya they just use their bodies and surf HUGE waves! No thanks, but very cool to watch! I am happy I get to be here and see new places and things. It will be good for me. Then I can go home. HAHA :)
Monday, September 20, 2010
Seriously this cat kills me, like might be the cause of my death. Ok let's make this story quick. We go out for a few hours, I get to let her roam the house cause Harley is not here. We get back and we are tired and hungry. So I make a horrible meal and sit down to eat it. Tony says "She got into a plant!" I look and it's all knocked over and I see her on the stairs gagging. Not making any sounds though. I want to cry just looking at her. I said "Tony she doesn't look too good! She has something in her mouth." So he's yelling "Get it out Jaclyn!" and I am standing there staring at her thinking thoughts of her death and how am I gonna live without her. I know, I am crazy. So I grab her and put my fingers in her mouth and just pull out phlegm. She starts to puke a little and goes and runs under the bed. I just sit and watch her for a few minutes. Tony goes over to the plant to assess it and he says "Jaclyn, it is plastic! I thought it was real and she could be poisoned! But she can't be." I said "I knew it was plastic, but couldn't she still be poisoned?!" Well he said no. I mean I have no idea!!! So ya, I am in California and this is what I have to write about today. Seriously.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Boston accent
Well I think the dog here is finally getting use to me. His name is Harley and I guess I don't say it right. So I have been told! HA! Kinda sounds like Holly but with an a, Hally!! I think he was wondering what the heck I was calling him. His parents get a wicked kick out of the way I talk. The town they live in is Carlsbad, another tricky one for me. They make me repeat myself so they can laugh. They have a cat Romeo, so no trouble there.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
West coast birthday
I think this was my first birthday away from my family. I was quite sad yesterday. I skyped with my brother, Sarah and my freakin adorable nephew Desmond. Of course I cried after. I miss them. I miss all of my family and friends! So yesterday was tough. I wasn't in the greatest of moods. But I was trying! My dad was the first to call me :) Leah was the first text! Tony made me a delicious breakfast and went to pick up my gifts that some of my family had ordered me. Yummy fruit and chocolate covered strawberries!! I got a very generous gift from Tonys sister and a sweet card. His mom made me dinner, and gave me a gift. His dad bought me flowers. Very nice of everyone :) Thank you and love you all!!! We also got free money at casino but didn't leave with any! BOO!!! We went to the beach today. I like to sit there and read. It's very relaxing. The houses there were amazing!!! I am probably going there tomorrow so I am going to take pictures.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Job? No! Food? Yes!
I keep forgetting to get the maps so I can write all the places we went through! I know I will leave something out if I don't look at the maps. Anyways, I have been searching for jobs, already went on interviews but not looking good right now. It's only been a few days but I am stressing! The pay sucks out here. Also a lot of families are looking for just a part time Nanny. Besides that, Tonys parents have made me such delicious meals!! OMG. So fresh and flavorful. Last night was tomatoes with fresh mozzarella and seasonings, cauliflower with a homemade blue cheese sauce to dip it in, baked brussel sprouts, corn on the cob, pasta! Yes, I ate it ALL. I always do! Another night was veggie chili with all kinds of things to put on top. A delicious brunch with eggs and potatoes and black beans. Ok, I am getting hungry now. Having dinner tonight over his brothers house and he is a chef so this should be another yummy meal! Oh yaaaa...
Saturday, September 4, 2010
One down
The first part of my journey is complete! I traveled across America with my boyfriend and my cat and I am so freakin proud of myself!!!! 3,000 miles later and I am in Carlsbad. I need the maps to remember all of our stops and those are in the car. Crap. I will do that at another time then. Now the next parts of my journey are a place to live near beach and a job! Wish me luck...
Ok so we go up some HUGE mountain above Palm Springs to cut some time off our trip. It was horrible!! I can't remember the last time I was so scared!! So we keep going up and up, Opie is meowing in the backseat, I am trying to film how high up we are but then I can't. I am like paralyzed. I am holding onto things in the car that I think would save me. We are driving into the sun!!! Tony is driving, thank gosh, cause if it was me I probably would've drove us off the cliff just because that's what I felt like would've happened! So he is driving and I am looking out in front of us and I can't even see cause of the sun. I am thinking how can HE see??? Then he says "I can't see. I can't see the road!" OOHHH GOD!!! My heart is beating so fast, palms are sweating... I am going to die!! I grab my face and start crying and try to tell him I am having a panic attack. Poor Tony, I am thinking, he is just trying to keep us safe and I am here crying like it's the end of our lives!! I picture it all happening too. Going off the cliff, me holding onto the cat carrier in hopes to save my cat, and just bouncing and smashing off the cliffs. Well obviously and thankfully none of that happened! He got us off that death ride safely and I said "Don't ever take me on that road again."
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Well my journey across America is about to come to an end tomorrow. I think I don't want to be in a car again. Ever. I am sore!! Ok, it wasn't that bad but it was rough. Anyway, just a little over 300 miles to go and I can say I did it!!! We are in Flagstaff Arizona now. It's very pretty here. Sat by the pool and got a little sun. Hopefully check out a little more of the state on our way out!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
We drove over 700 miles yesterday. After the first few hours, I hadn't eaten, so I snapped a little. Hey I was hungry!!! I felt like my Dad hahaha!! Video footage would have been good. The look on Tonys face was awesome. Well awesome when I thought about it after I ate. So HOURS after that we saw a major lightning storm in Oklahoma!!! SOOOO cool! Like seriously it was a rush. Then after that, I got tired an bored again. Finally found a hotel, ordered food, they f&*^ it up, of course cause we are sooo hungry. He ordered a burger and fries. He got pork chops and mashed potatoes. They put chicken in my meal. So we are frantic cause they are closing but they fix it of course. Bed time after that! Yes!! Oh but my cat is in the window..hours after I am asleep and does this freaky noise. I jump up, half asleep, look out window and there is a pretty Siamese kitty out there. Of course I get sad, the cat is friggin looking at me, but then leaves. Great, back to bed with homeless cat thoughts. Ok it's getting harder to type now cause Opie is on my lap and my arms!!! WTF. Poor baby...I feel like a mean mama but she had to come with me! Ok I gotta go. Opie needs me. Post cool pics lata!!!!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Who knew...
Corn!!! So much freaking corn out there! Well it looked like it had been taken or would you say cropped? And it looked like there could be some serious fires there. Yikes. Drove through Ohio, Indiana, and now in Illinois. Opie had her first puke on the trip in the hotel room on those comforters they dont wash. Also the floor. Poor cat is wondering what her mother is doing to her! hahaha...she has actually been great. Oh crap, gotta go to bed. Guess what?? Another long day! We can't wait to get to NM and AZ. Soooo excited to stay in those places and sightsee!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
10 hours down....
About 34 hours to go!! yeehaa! I drove us through Ma & NY. We are now in Lake Erie. Spending the night. Went to dinner at a place called Boston's!! How ironic :) Opie took a pill and slept most of the way. Thank gosh. She is following me all over the hotel room, even when I have to go to the bathroom. So tonight I ran over a curb and locked my keys in the trunk. Ooops! Thank gosh my spare set was in hotel room! To think this is just the beginning....scary!! Maybe I am just over tired zzzzzzzzzzzz
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Well this blog stuff will be confusing till I have some help. I love books, but that is not what I wanted as the background. No pics were showing up surprisingly! Anyway, the last 2 weeks have been very very difficult for me. The last day with my twins was horrible. I can't even look at a picture of them without breaking down. Family goodbyes suck.Definitely makes you hurt.... Anyways I am way too tired to write. I leave early in the morning to drive....
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