Wednesday, September 1, 2010


We drove over 700 miles yesterday. After the first few hours, I hadn't eaten, so I snapped a little. Hey I was hungry!!! I felt like my Dad hahaha!! Video footage would have been good. The look on Tonys face was awesome. Well awesome when I thought about it after I ate. So HOURS after that we saw a major lightning storm in Oklahoma!!! SOOOO cool! Like seriously it was a rush. Then after that, I got tired an bored again. Finally found a hotel, ordered food, they f&*^ it up, of course cause we are sooo hungry. He ordered a burger and fries. He got pork chops and mashed potatoes. They put chicken in my meal. So we are frantic cause they are closing but they fix it of course. Bed time after that! Yes!! Oh but my cat is in the window..hours after I am asleep and does this freaky noise. I jump up, half asleep, look out window and there is a pretty Siamese kitty out there. Of course I get sad, the cat is friggin looking at me, but then leaves. Great, back to bed with homeless cat thoughts. Ok it's getting harder to type now cause Opie is on my lap and my arms!!! WTF. Poor baby...I feel like a mean mama but she had to come with me! Ok I gotta go. Opie needs me. Post cool pics lata!!!!


  1. "He ordered a burger and fries. He got pork chops and mashed potatoes." haha... Sorry I laughed at that. But that's a pretty big eff up! Love these updates, Jac. Keep 'em coming!

  2. Oh it was totally funny later on!! Haha! I talked to my mom last night and she laughed also :)
