Of course I have been stressed out lately while searching for a job but I am trying to enjoy the beauty of my new surroundings. For example, the other day I went to Old Navy. As I walked out of the store I stopped and looked around. Palm trees, mountains and the sun shining off me and making me feel good. I thought about how when I step out of the Old Navy in Burlington. Certainly nothing like this. I need to relax and enjoy where I am and what I am doing. Easier said than done but it can be done. The beach is beautiful and peaceful. The ones we have been to kinda remind me of east coast beaches. Then I look behind me and see huge houses and those palm trees again and I think not so much! I also got to see Tony surf! I never have before so that was cool! When we drove up north to catch a surf contest(drove around forevaaa and couldn't find parking :( so bummed) the beaches were awesome! Huge waves, big, long beaches, just beautiful. The color started to change to more of a turquoise color. We stopped at a place in Newport beach called The Wedge. People there body surf! Ya they just use their bodies and surf HUGE waves! No thanks, but very cool to watch! I am happy I get to be here and see new places and things. It will be good for me. Then I can go home. HAHA :)
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