Wednesday, May 25, 2011
I have so many things to blog about! But I am just going to make this brief. Chad and his friend came for a visit. Of course it was great having him here and to listen to his stories. He is such a... unique person! Great company. He got to check out the surf here which of course was not that great the few days he was here. I think he is coming again next week. Who knows! Still waiting to hear from him! Then one of my best friends, Christina and her boys came! They stayed right down the street! Was soooo good to see them all and to actually have a friend here. It made me feel good that her boys were happy to see me! My last visitors were my parents!!! I still can't believe they flew all the way out here and I am very thankful they did. It meant a lot to me that they traveled so far to see where I live. We had a great time and lots of laughs! They stayed at a really nice resort and they had a relaxing vacation. I am pretty sure they were impressed by our ocean view! I loved having them here and just hanging out. They surprised some old friends that actually live near me and we hung out with them and listened to hysterical stories of my dad and him being hooligans! The smile on their faces was priceless. I loved it. I am sure it felt good to them to recap all those times. (hey ma, that was 2 weeks ago today haha!!) But my parents visit here went by fast and of course I cried after we dropped them off at the airport. I am 32! Am I ever going to grow up?! I doubt it. In 2 weeks I will be on my way to Boston for a nice long visit. There are just some people I NEED to see! I am having withdrawals of people! The first that comes to mind is DESMOND!!! But really, I can not wait to see everyone that I plan on seeing. I bet that visit goes by too fast....
Monday, April 4, 2011
I have quite a few exciting things coming up! My friend Chad is coming to visit next week! We are looking forward to this visit. The stories will be good and there will be plenty of laughs. Right after his quick visit, one of my bff's is coming out with her boys! She asked us to join them at the SD Zoo. Sometimes I don't agree with zoos and animals in captivity, but this place is not like that at all. It is truly amazing and it is huge!! The space and atmosphere they give the animals is perfect. I have always wanted to work there. I would be fine scooping elephant poop. Ok, I am getting off track. I am most excited for MY PARENTS coming to visit!! They have never been to Cali and I can not wait for them to see where I live. I can't wait for everyone that is visiting to see! It means a lot to me that my parents are going to travel the long way out here. Especially my mom. She doesn't like to fly, but give her some nips and she will be fine. I am pretty sure my dad will really like it out here. Maybe I can convince them to move?! Nah, I guess that would be tough. I hope more people come to visit. HINT HINT to readers ;) Anyways, lots of fun filled things to look forward too!
Go Sox!
I realized I haven't blogged in awhile. Not even sure what to blog about, but I just wanted to write something for my readers(the 2 of you?) HA! Of course there is always something going on in my life that is interesting. Maybe too much to tell? Who knows. But this is very exciting to me! I was getting very worried the closer it was getting to opening day for the Sox because I had no idea how I was going to watch the games. I figured I would have to call our cable company and see if there was a channel I could buy. I had doubts. Then a hero appeared! My brother! With a message! It said I have a way for you to watch the games. OMG! He purchased something to share with me, that allows me to watch games on my laptop. Phew, a big sigh of relief and the end of being upset that I was not back in Boston for the Sox. Ya, I am dramatic. I mean I do have the beach and nice weather constantly, sometimes we can't have everyyything... jeez. So a big shout out to my bro!! THANKS!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Eros (sp,not sure)
There is this couple that lives downstairs from us that has this big beautiful dog. He is a Great Pyrenees. He is a large dog with tons of white long fur. I want him as my own. We both want him. He scared me at first cause he was always barking at me and I realized it was because I would just stand there and say hi to him and all he wanted was a little petting, a little love. I have no clue if I wrote about this before but it was raining one night and he was left outside. For hours. I kept telling Tony, we have to help him. He is soaked and whining. But I was still scared of him at this point so Tony went down there with towels and dried him off. I went to watch. I swear the dog was smiling. That was when I first petted him and instantly fell in love with him. So now every time he sees me he comes over to his gate for a rubdown. We have been taking him for walks too! One day while petting him his owner said, "Any time you want to take him for a walk just go ahead." We laughed cause I had just said to Tony that I wanted to walk him! He is a very strong dog and kinda took me for a walk. We get all kinds of compliments on him when we are out. We just pretend that he is ours :)
Over the rainbow

I spent last weekend with my family to attend the funeral of a close, longtime friend of our family. Ron Magliozzi. Saturday was a rough day for all but the open bar helped ;) My brother made an amazing video showing the life of Ron and everyone was very impressed by it. We all know what it's like to lose someone we love. How much it hurts and how sometimes it's just not fair. Enjoy and cherish the time with the ones we love cause sometimes you never know when they will be gone....
Inanimate objects, are you listening? It has recently been pointed out to me that I talk to myself. A lot. I just talk out loud and about what, who knows. Just last night I was in the bathroom and I guess I was talking. Tony said "What are you talking about in there?" I said "I am not even talking to you." Tony "Ok, who are you talking to then? Are you on the phone?" He knows I am not on the phone. He knows what I am doing. I look for my phone to pretend that I am on it but it is not in the same room as me. Ok I really didn't look for phone. But it would have been funny if I did! I mumbled to him I was not on the phone. I wonder what his thoughts were? I mean he sings and makes up songs but he never has these conversations out loud like I do. Do I have a condition? Is there a name for this and a reason? I am very curious to know. I guess from what Sarah says my brother does it too. I am not sure if I have noticed. Maybe someone that does this, does not notice this in others??!! Anyways, I am sure I had a few more talks before I went to bed.
Thursday, February 10, 2011

I rush home from work to take my walk while the sun is setting. Every walk I think the same thing. Wow, this is just beautiful. It feels so good breathing in the ocean air, hearing the waves crash. There are always a lot of people out running, walking their dogs, having a drink, surfing. The other day I walked by this outdoor stadium and there was an exercise class going on and next to them people were skateboarding and doing tricks on bikes. It's not overcrowded, yet. I dread the summer crowd. The peace and quiet will be gone. This is just the way I like it, but I guess everything changes and I will just have to go with it! More people watching that means! This place does have its flaws. There are always some creepy people sitting on the benches, noticing me coming. Sometimes I have my keys on me and I get prepared to stab someone in the eye if need be. They usually just say hi and I always think do I say hi back? Will they think I am too nice and make me a victim? If I don't say hi will they think I am rude and come after me? Ok this wasn't where this post was supposed to go! I say hi kinda firm and continue on. Soooo besides is clean and peaceful. I will hate to leave here someday. But this is a journey, an adventure, and those come to an end.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
My lovie's bday!
I woke up Friday January 14th with major anxiety. My nephews first birthday was the next day and I still didn't have a ticket home. My stomache felt sick. I may sound dramatic, maybe I am dramatic, but I don't care. I felt like I had to be there. No, I wanted to be there. Later that day I booked a flight. I had been looking at flights for over a week. My mom was helping too. Found a great one when I first started looking but of course did not book it and the prices just went crazy from there. I took an over night flight that Friday night and didn't sleep. My awesome aunt Wendy who I miss so much picked me up, late I must add(haha). Oh duh! I forgot to say this was all a SURPRISE to my family!!! Only my parents, Wendy, cousin Kristen & Billy and Leah knew. This was so exciting to me! I could not wait to show up! Wendy said to me "You can't just walk in there. Here, wear this big coat and put the hood over your head, I am gona say you're my friend from work." Me "Uumm ok!' It was funny when we walked through my brother and Sarah's door to hear her tell my brother I brought my friend from work. I was sweating in that damn coat and laughing! I took the hood off and saw my bro and I was so happy I was there. He gave me a big hug and was excited to surprise Sarah so he said to take the coat off and he called to her. I am pretty sure I was teary eyed at this point from happiness and lack of sleep. She came around the corner and saw it was me and gave me a big hug also! Then I made my rounds talking to the families about my surprise. And when I held my lovie it felt so good! I got to spend a brief time with my him but I loved every second of it. We went out for lunch after his wicked long nap and that was great to spend time with just him, Sarah and my brother. He is getting so big and he is so freakin cute. I could just look at him forevaaaa. That face. I am trying not to feel like I am missing out on a lot of stuff with him but I know I am. Ya ya I was home twice in like 3 weeks but still! He is at such a cute stage. Thank gosh for skype so I get to see and hear him through all this!! He smiles at me when we skype and comes right up to the laptop! So funny! It makes me feel so good. I don't want him to forget me. OK! So when is my next trip back??!! :*)
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