Wednesday, September 22, 2010
I am the type of person that does not deal well with change, and I have gone through A LOT of it the last month. I must say that I think I have been doing a pretty good job dealing with it all!! I started my new job today caring for a 2 month old and an almost 2 yr old. It makes me miss the twins so much! Sometimes I think, I just want to be with them! But I can't be so I have to get over it. That's what sucks about what I do. Anyways the family is super nice and laid back, exactly what I need. I know it will take time for us to all get use to eachother, I just want to be at that point already! I am happy and thankful that I found something to pay for my not new life, I guess I would say my different life out here.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Of course I have been stressed out lately while searching for a job but I am trying to enjoy the beauty of my new surroundings. For example, the other day I went to Old Navy. As I walked out of the store I stopped and looked around. Palm trees, mountains and the sun shining off me and making me feel good. I thought about how when I step out of the Old Navy in Burlington. Certainly nothing like this. I need to relax and enjoy where I am and what I am doing. Easier said than done but it can be done. The beach is beautiful and peaceful. The ones we have been to kinda remind me of east coast beaches. Then I look behind me and see huge houses and those palm trees again and I think not so much! I also got to see Tony surf! I never have before so that was cool! When we drove up north to catch a surf contest(drove around forevaaa and couldn't find parking :( so bummed) the beaches were awesome! Huge waves, big, long beaches, just beautiful. The color started to change to more of a turquoise color. We stopped at a place in Newport beach called The Wedge. People there body surf! Ya they just use their bodies and surf HUGE waves! No thanks, but very cool to watch! I am happy I get to be here and see new places and things. It will be good for me. Then I can go home. HAHA :)
Monday, September 20, 2010
Seriously this cat kills me, like might be the cause of my death. Ok let's make this story quick. We go out for a few hours, I get to let her roam the house cause Harley is not here. We get back and we are tired and hungry. So I make a horrible meal and sit down to eat it. Tony says "She got into a plant!" I look and it's all knocked over and I see her on the stairs gagging. Not making any sounds though. I want to cry just looking at her. I said "Tony she doesn't look too good! She has something in her mouth." So he's yelling "Get it out Jaclyn!" and I am standing there staring at her thinking thoughts of her death and how am I gonna live without her. I know, I am crazy. So I grab her and put my fingers in her mouth and just pull out phlegm. She starts to puke a little and goes and runs under the bed. I just sit and watch her for a few minutes. Tony goes over to the plant to assess it and he says "Jaclyn, it is plastic! I thought it was real and she could be poisoned! But she can't be." I said "I knew it was plastic, but couldn't she still be poisoned?!" Well he said no. I mean I have no idea!!! So ya, I am in California and this is what I have to write about today. Seriously.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Boston accent
Well I think the dog here is finally getting use to me. His name is Harley and I guess I don't say it right. So I have been told! HA! Kinda sounds like Holly but with an a, Hally!! I think he was wondering what the heck I was calling him. His parents get a wicked kick out of the way I talk. The town they live in is Carlsbad, another tricky one for me. They make me repeat myself so they can laugh. They have a cat Romeo, so no trouble there.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
West coast birthday
I think this was my first birthday away from my family. I was quite sad yesterday. I skyped with my brother, Sarah and my freakin adorable nephew Desmond. Of course I cried after. I miss them. I miss all of my family and friends! So yesterday was tough. I wasn't in the greatest of moods. But I was trying! My dad was the first to call me :) Leah was the first text! Tony made me a delicious breakfast and went to pick up my gifts that some of my family had ordered me. Yummy fruit and chocolate covered strawberries!! I got a very generous gift from Tonys sister and a sweet card. His mom made me dinner, and gave me a gift. His dad bought me flowers. Very nice of everyone :) Thank you and love you all!!! We also got free money at casino but didn't leave with any! BOO!!! We went to the beach today. I like to sit there and read. It's very relaxing. The houses there were amazing!!! I am probably going there tomorrow so I am going to take pictures.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Job? No! Food? Yes!
I keep forgetting to get the maps so I can write all the places we went through! I know I will leave something out if I don't look at the maps. Anyways, I have been searching for jobs, already went on interviews but not looking good right now. It's only been a few days but I am stressing! The pay sucks out here. Also a lot of families are looking for just a part time Nanny. Besides that, Tonys parents have made me such delicious meals!! OMG. So fresh and flavorful. Last night was tomatoes with fresh mozzarella and seasonings, cauliflower with a homemade blue cheese sauce to dip it in, baked brussel sprouts, corn on the cob, pasta! Yes, I ate it ALL. I always do! Another night was veggie chili with all kinds of things to put on top. A delicious brunch with eggs and potatoes and black beans. Ok, I am getting hungry now. Having dinner tonight over his brothers house and he is a chef so this should be another yummy meal! Oh yaaaa...
Saturday, September 4, 2010
One down
The first part of my journey is complete! I traveled across America with my boyfriend and my cat and I am so freakin proud of myself!!!! 3,000 miles later and I am in Carlsbad. I need the maps to remember all of our stops and those are in the car. Crap. I will do that at another time then. Now the next parts of my journey are a place to live near beach and a job! Wish me luck...
Ok so we go up some HUGE mountain above Palm Springs to cut some time off our trip. It was horrible!! I can't remember the last time I was so scared!! So we keep going up and up, Opie is meowing in the backseat, I am trying to film how high up we are but then I can't. I am like paralyzed. I am holding onto things in the car that I think would save me. We are driving into the sun!!! Tony is driving, thank gosh, cause if it was me I probably would've drove us off the cliff just because that's what I felt like would've happened! So he is driving and I am looking out in front of us and I can't even see cause of the sun. I am thinking how can HE see??? Then he says "I can't see. I can't see the road!" OOHHH GOD!!! My heart is beating so fast, palms are sweating... I am going to die!! I grab my face and start crying and try to tell him I am having a panic attack. Poor Tony, I am thinking, he is just trying to keep us safe and I am here crying like it's the end of our lives!! I picture it all happening too. Going off the cliff, me holding onto the cat carrier in hopes to save my cat, and just bouncing and smashing off the cliffs. Well obviously and thankfully none of that happened! He got us off that death ride safely and I said "Don't ever take me on that road again."
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Well my journey across America is about to come to an end tomorrow. I think I don't want to be in a car again. Ever. I am sore!! Ok, it wasn't that bad but it was rough. Anyway, just a little over 300 miles to go and I can say I did it!!! We are in Flagstaff Arizona now. It's very pretty here. Sat by the pool and got a little sun. Hopefully check out a little more of the state on our way out!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
We drove over 700 miles yesterday. After the first few hours, I hadn't eaten, so I snapped a little. Hey I was hungry!!! I felt like my Dad hahaha!! Video footage would have been good. The look on Tonys face was awesome. Well awesome when I thought about it after I ate. So HOURS after that we saw a major lightning storm in Oklahoma!!! SOOOO cool! Like seriously it was a rush. Then after that, I got tired an bored again. Finally found a hotel, ordered food, they f&*^ it up, of course cause we are sooo hungry. He ordered a burger and fries. He got pork chops and mashed potatoes. They put chicken in my meal. So we are frantic cause they are closing but they fix it of course. Bed time after that! Yes!! Oh but my cat is in the window..hours after I am asleep and does this freaky noise. I jump up, half asleep, look out window and there is a pretty Siamese kitty out there. Of course I get sad, the cat is friggin looking at me, but then leaves. Great, back to bed with homeless cat thoughts. Ok it's getting harder to type now cause Opie is on my lap and my arms!!! WTF. Poor baby...I feel like a mean mama but she had to come with me! Ok I gotta go. Opie needs me. Post cool pics lata!!!!
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