Monday, August 30, 2010

Who knew...

Corn!!! So much freaking corn out there! Well it looked like it had been taken or would you say cropped? And it looked like there could be some serious fires there. Yikes. Drove through Ohio, Indiana, and now in Illinois. Opie had her first puke on the trip in the hotel room on those comforters they dont wash. Also the floor. Poor cat is wondering what her mother is doing to her! hahaha...she has actually been great. Oh crap, gotta go to bed. Guess what?? Another long day! We can't wait to get to NM and AZ. Soooo excited to stay in those places and sightsee!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

10 hours down....

About 34 hours to go!! yeehaa! I drove us through Ma & NY. We are now in Lake Erie. Spending the night. Went to dinner at a place called Boston's!! How ironic :) Opie took a pill and slept most of the way. Thank gosh. She is following me all over the hotel room, even when I have to go to the bathroom. So tonight I ran over a curb and locked my keys in the trunk. Ooops! Thank gosh my spare set was in hotel room! To think this is just the beginning....scary!! Maybe I am just over tired zzzzzzzzzzzz

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Well this blog stuff will be confusing till I have some help. I love books, but that is not what I wanted as the background. No pics were showing up surprisingly! Anyway, the last 2 weeks have been very very difficult for me. The last day with my twins was horrible. I can't even look at a picture of them without breaking down. Family goodbyes suck.Definitely makes you hurt.... Anyways I am way too tired to write. I leave early in the morning to drive....